The Star Kidz provides an unparalleled reach to the most exuberant and decision driving age group in the world.

This platform aims to touch the creative notes of the children between 4 years to 16 years of age.

Make your brand a part of this journey through various sponsorship and advertisement opportunities at The Star

Sponsorship Opportunities

  National Level –One Title partner for the contest for national level awards
  Regional Level –One Platinum partner per region for regional awards
  State Level-One Gold partner per state for state level awards
  City Level –One Silver partner per city for city level awards
  Special Mention & Consolation prizes –One Associate partner for each special mention & consolation prized entry

Sponsorship Duration (Minimum):

  Title Partner (National Level) – 12 months
  Platinum Partner (Regional Level) -12 months
  Gold Partner (State Level) –12 months
  Silver Partner (City Level) –12 months
  Associate Sponsors –Per contest
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